© Generationen Stiftung gGmbH

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Generationen Stiftung gGmbH
10 EUR
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Rarely have so many people been concerned about their children and grandchildren. grandchildren. Climate change, wars and the division of society threaten their future.

We have therefore created the Generations Foundation Youth Council. Our goal is to give the young generations a voice again and to ensure that the and ensure that politics acts sustainably and in the long term in the interests of the young and future generations. act.

In the Youth Council, young adults work constructively and in a non-partisan way for the interests of the next interests of future generations. Our goal is to influence political decisions in favor of the in favor of the interests of future generations, i.e. our children and grandchildren.

Our vision is a new intergenerational contract that ensures the survival of future generations and protects democracy. and protects democracy.