© Familienhörbuch gGmbH

The family audio book for terminally ill young parents

Familienhörbuch gGmbH
50 EUR
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The Family Hearing Book is a non-profit organization that helps terminally ill mothers and fathers with minor children, in Germany and neighboring countries, the creation of a professional professional audio biography.

The family audio book features people who have shared their own stories and life experiences with their experiences for their own children and relatives, for friends, in short: for posterity. in short, for posterity. Told in their own words, in their own voice. Authentic. Personal. Lovingly.

We dramaturgically design your stories using the latest audio journalism techniques. audio journalism. In this way, we give these parents a precious gift for the future and show them our appreciation for their own lives, as well as for the lives of those left behind. After the death of the parent, the audio books help the bereaved family, especially the children, children, in coping with their grief, accompany them individually and in line with their needs on their path of and thus support their long-term mental health.

Jedes einzelne Familienhörbuch finanziert sich ausschliesslich über Spenden und ist ein Herzensprojekt von Judith Grümmer, erfahrene Hörfunkjournalistin und Audiobiografin aus Köln.

Each individual family audio book is financed exclusively by donations and is a project of heart project of Judith Grümmer, experienced radio journalist and audio biographer from Cologne.

Help early orphaned children remember their parents, too.

It costs about 5,000 euros to produce a family audio book. For the participants, the audio book is free of charge. To record and edit this audiobiography and to accompany it with your own music music, it takes about 100 hours of work by a professionally trained audiobiographer audiobiographer*In as well as a sound designer / sound technician. One's own life can then be heard in six to 15 hours of running time. The participants are between 30 and 40 years old. It is not exclusively about dying and illness, but about the beautiful days of their life so far. About their own childhood, the first love of their youth, getting to know mom and dad, starting a family. and dad, starting a family. Illness and thoughts about one's own death can also be a chapter in this audio book. chapter in this audio book.