© UFER Projekte Dresden e.V.

Gardens & Community in Dresden - We want more!

UFER Projekte Dresden e.V.
40 EUR
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Dresden needs more community, more ecological gardens and more sustainability in everyday life.

To do this, we bring you and your neighbors together in community gardens and plant an edible city together. We organize low-threshold educational programs for you, in which you can where you can learn and experience sustainability in practice. Our tools and equipment tools and equipment for community projects. In the Old Market Garden Pieschen you can snack on raspberries, see sweet potatoes growing and experience how urban agriculture has a future in Dresden.

In 2022, with the help of the donations, we want to set our sights on bigger goals and put some of our favorite ideas into reality. Thanks to the Biocompany Christmas fundraiser, your donations will be your donations will be doubled until Dec. 31, 2021 - so you'll be helping us move forward twice! In our 4 donation needs, we have listed our favorite ideas. With your donation you can make sure that as many Dresdeners as possible in 2022

  • Swap seeds in community gardens
  • Share good tools instead of buying them
  • Get to know and love fermentation
  • use an ecological toilet