© Förderverein HGS e.V. Musikprojekt

MUSIC makes us STRONG together

Förderverein HGS e.V. Musikprojekt
10 EUR
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The music project is based on a parents' initiative at the public Hunsrück elementary school in Berlin Kreuzberg. in Berlin Kreuzberg and has been in existence since 2007. all-day school, either individually or in groups, to learn a musical instrument.

Since a very large percentage of the children at our school come from socially disadvantaged families and/or families with a migration background, one of the central tasks of our project is to offer children project is to enable children whose parents cannot afford music lessons to participate. to participate. Of the current 130 music students, more than 30 take advantage of this free 30 children take advantage of this free offer every year.

Here is an overview of the current contents of the music project

  • Instrumental lessons: piano, violin, guitar, drums, saxophone, flute and since 2016 also Bağlama, the Turkish long-necked lute.
  • Benefit concert: this takes place twice a year and the children can play in front of a play music alone or together in front of an audience.
  • Improvisation workshop: once a year this workshop takes place for all interested children takes place.
  • CD recording: about every other year there is a CD recording.
  • Ballet classes: dance for all children

The music project is financed exclusively through donations, grants and proceeds from the benefit concerts and the sale of its own music CDs. The project is also supported project is supported by a number of smaller foundations, private individuals and, last but not least, the godmothers and godfathers. In order for the music project to continue, we urgently need financial support. financial support. We welcome one-time or regular donations.

We hope we have been able to arouse your interest and would be pleased if you would contribute to this, that children from socially disadvantaged families and/or with a migrant background learn an instrument and thus gain access to more education and social participation.