© Tierschutzverein Delmenhorst und Umgebung e.V.

Help for the animals of the Tierschutzverein Delmenhorst

Tierschutzverein Delmenhorst und Umgebung e.V.
20 EUR
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We give animals a temporary, loving home. 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In 2017 we have placed about 130.

But unfortunately, just like almost half of all animal shelters, we have to fight again every year for our fight for our existence. Vet, heating oil, renovations, cat food, etc. The list of costs and of things needed can be continued endlessly.

It is only thanks to you dear donors that we manage to keep our heads above water year after year. Because we do not get any financial help from the city.

At the moment, we are able to keep operations running to some extent through internal restructuring. operations. But it won't work like this for much longer. Urgent renovation measures are pending which threaten the existence of the farm.

The animal protection association Delmenhorst u.U. registered association is a non-profit association, which already since 1953 exists. Since 2003 we operate, owing to a generous inheritance of Mrs. Johanne Köstler, an animal protection yard at the edge of Delmenhorst.

Help us so that we can continue with this and that our animals can continue to be helped. can continue to be helped. Thank you very much!